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posted on Tuesday, September 30, 2008 @ 9/30/2008 07:56:00 PM | back to the top.
I just had the sickest and most disgusting train ride of my life. This old man came to sit beside me after Jotham left at Bishan, and he started digging his nose from the time he sat down till I got off at Yishun. The worse part about it was the fact that he was laying his "GOLD" everywhere on the train seat and himself. Next thing, another guy sitting opposite me started digging for "GOLD" as well..fuck..I think he got enticed to do so after seeing how the old man was ENJOYABLY clearing his nose shit and cleaning it all over. The next thing about the old man, he sat in the weirdest position ever...his legs were stretched out...not in front of himself but to MY leg space and his upper body was slanted to the other guy sitting at the corner seat. After which...he got this phone call from someone...his ringtone was the joke of the century...and god knows what language he was speaking to the person in...all I could hear was him shouting..

Old man:"ah ah mo eh eh...hah hah ah...emm emm...ah ah ah"

This went on for like 2mins...wondered how the other person on the line could understand him...and since only god knows what language he was speaking...I deduced that IT WAS GOD who called him. I couldn't contain myself hearing him speak and burst out laughing...then he sat up and gave me this hard stare...and then plomped back to his original sitting position. Anyway...I got off the train after that...still shaking my head at him and smiling my ass off.

They are all out there to be surveyors.
The tools used to get into girl's knickers.

These get you high guaranteed.
It's certain the first I would snub.

posted on Sunday, September 28, 2008 @ 9/28/2008 12:04:00 PM | back to the top.
Friday was smashing. That's all I can say and will say. Got to know NEW people. All for the glory and progress of FB huh Fuji? LOL...I can say we're still far but we definitely are on the right track. That night I made one big decision. To give up on her because there's no point in loving someone who will never love you back. I'm going back to my old self. I was also bit rusty dancing that Friday night but things will get better. Let's drink the drink of life and give toast to the 7 deadly sins of man. HAHAHAHA!

A manifestation of vindictive anger,
Possessed my entire body making me its slave.
My eyes filled with fury and vengeance,
Ready to start my tidal crime wave.

Relaxation and procrastination,
Describe my current philosophy.
I am nothing more than a sloth,
Showing others how deadly sins can be.

Greed is another sin,
Which seems to have no cure.
Always wanting and needing,
More and more and more.

Lust is a contagious sin,
That we all experience from time to time.
In fact I'm experiencing it right now,
Who wants to be my partner in crime?

Yes..people want our life,
I'm sure it's our destiny and fate.
They should be envious of the privileged,
Regardless of the fact that we're not that great.

We're amazing, smart, irresistibly sexy,
All together swirled.
More famous than famous,
We WILL be celebrities to the world.

Everything in our path,
Must never go to waste.
Scarfing down anything and everything,
Even after we lose all taste.

Dedicated to FB

posted on Thursday, September 25, 2008 @ 9/25/2008 11:40:00 PM | back to the top.
I hate it when people ask me stupid questions and remarks when I'm tired. I got a few today which totally pissed me off. I think the work stress is getting onto me...I don't know...maybe it's just cause I feel damn down that she didn't go with us for the movie that night. Fuck. I don't feel like giving a damn anymore.

Stupid question/remark #1:"Hey, you're in the office!"

Obviously...Where else would I be when you're telling me that IN the OFFICE?

Stupid question/remark #2:"Just out of come your lines are engaged on the weekends huh?"

The MOST stupid customer off all time...

Stupid question/remark #3:"Are you sure it's safe to use the credit card on this website(Apple Store)?"'s the Apple Store...if they conduct frauds for credit cards, who is ever going to buy the IPODs online already? More stupid questions followed after this..

Stupid question/remark #4:"Are you sure these IPODs are real?"


Stupid question/remark #5:"How come your friends bought S size tee for you?"

Shit...did I grow fatter? Taller? any BIGGER? I've always been a S...even though my mom knows it...she still asks this stupid question

Stupid question/remark #6:"Where are you?"

If MAO asked this when he calls my HP I wouldn't mind, but if you call up the house number and I pick up...and you still ask me this? Gosh...Is your brain functioning SLOW?

Ok...guess that's enough ranting for the night. Goodnight.

posted on Saturday, September 20, 2008 @ 9/20/2008 08:03:00 PM | back to the top.
I feel like telling Mao this straight in the face...

If you want to get rich so badly...god will never let you become rich
If you want to make your family feel the happiest...god will make you the richest man alive
If you can't get just means you CAN'T get point trying and wasting precious time and money

WAKE UP OLD MAN! Stop giving excuses for your ridiculous proposals...and if my dream shatters because of you...I'm NEVER going to forgive you for what you've done.

posted on @ 9/20/2008 10:54:00 AM | back to the top.
Bored...Tired...Expired. Bored because everyone is out having fun while I'm at home due to house arrest by Mao and I am compelled to work everyday. Tired because work has been so tedious and it's become so mundane I'm starting to hate it. Expired because I'm out of ideas how to get her...I just feel like showing her this blog but I'm scared of the outcome.

On the streets and in my dreams,
What I see is what it seems.
Every face has your eyes,
Though it's mine telling me lies.

Every sound has your voice in it,
I look around every minute.
Is it all illusions?
Or are they my delusions?

posted on Sunday, September 07, 2008 @ 9/07/2008 10:41:00 PM | back to the top. home drunk from yesterday...Mom got pissed...complained to the whole family, everyone called to scold me today, Mao gave the worst scolding obviously, think I can stop clubbing for good till I'm released from this bloody prison. Yes I know it's my fault for drinking over the limit, I apologized, but just get over it, how does scolding and talking with such sarcasm even help with the situation, it's just gonna piss the shit out of me. Fuck. The sarcasm in my mom's words this morning just made me boil up.."Oh you're awake already? There's 1 bottle of Martel in the showcase go finish that and get drunk again ah...then you can go back to sleep"...What the fuck...and tomorrow work resumes again...don't even have the mood to go...imagine for 3 months I have to pick up calls and hear complaints..gosh what a fucked up job. I think this has been my most vulgar post till date...I'm sorry but I just need to get all the frustration out from my system and this is the only way. It's also been about 3 days since I've talked to her also, but I don't think anything good will come out if I'm in this type of mood...sigh.

If time allowed me to reverse some past events,
I’d push for some much needed prevents.
I would toss away all of the pretense,
And present instead my arguments.

If it meant never writing another word,
Or keep myself from being heard.
If that’s what it takes for freedom to remain.
I’d silence the thoughts within my brain.

Whatever it is, whatever it takes,
I’d do anything for it, no matter the stakes.
If I can’t drink nor romanticize,
Where’s the excitement and surprise?

This prison haunts me,
Controlling what I say and do.
Bounded by chains I can't see,
Only in my dreams am I are free.

They may be the puppeteers,
But I am the hand that holds the shears.
I'll make sure no one ever interferes,
By then even of Mao I'll hold no fears.

It's times like this I stare into blank space,
And tears from anger race down my face.
My emotions an unsolved case,
My real soul leaves without a trace.

I WILL decide how I live my life,
So just stop filling me with all this strife,
It'll just fuel my anger that's already rife,
Lord over me I'll make sure to bring the knife.

posted on Monday, September 01, 2008 @ 9/01/2008 09:28:00 PM | back to the top.
Just came back from work. Gosh was it a boring yet tiring day. I'm allocated to the telesales department, not really something I wanted to do but yea..I had no options to choose from. For like the first few hours before lunch break, I was given a computer and was told to read about the department I was working in and other crap. Jotham and I were so bored we kept going in to the pantry for refreshments. Then went for lunch at this place that sells Indo food, totally ripped us off man. Then went back to the office, we couldn't log back into our computer systems because we weren't given a Id and Password yet so we sat around doing nothing and chatting about the other staff. Then we were given these 2 thick books of what our job scope will entail to read, almost fell asleep reading it. I was seriously damn tired, especially because I couldn't even get to sleep before heading to work. Jotham was the lucky one..bastard took the seat which was surrounded by all the young lady staff..hahaha..ass never gonna forgive him for chucking me to the retard side of the department. The only thing I did today that could be labeled as "work" was photocopying some documents. I swear this is the first time I am worked in a company and felt so bored and TIRED. Hope tomorrow will be a much better and less boring day at work.

Here comes my insanities,
I start speaking in profanities.
My mind held by a thread,
As I'm sucked away by dread.

Lick this melted lollipop,
As it rolls down the drop.
Merry go round we go,
As I down another java jo.

Pull my hair and smack me,
For I've lost all my sweet sanity.
Spinning, and spinning,
I'm nowhere near living.

posted on @ 9/01/2008 12:33:00 AM | back to the top.
While exploring a creek,
A young girl I spied on.
For it was by excruciating pain,
The sight I saw could kill me.

Hand in hand they walked together,
with her head slumped down.
There beside her was someone else,
A dreadful sight I couldn't bear to see.

It did more damage than a stranger could
There comes a day where I will forget,
But for now its embers burn,
And I let it consume me.

My eyes still pinned on her,
Train of thoughts raced through my mind.
Despite it all my feeling still stays for her,
But it's sadness which leaves trails behind.

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