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read and fuck off from here....

posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011 @ 4/30/2011 11:19:00 AM | back to the top.

My mind's running amok
My heart's in a frenzy
I'm losing control

I made a mistake
I can't solve it
A problem that's driving me insane

Will you text me like you usually do?
Will you meet me just like before?
I'm so scared it'll all change

I'm shivering with fear
I'm going blank
I'm thinking of nothing but you

You say it's an infatuation
You say it's a phase
I say it's one crazy love

I didn't mean to be so insane
I don't want to be treated with disdain
I just want you

I know I've got nothing to offer
I know I'll bring you just trouble
But then I know I'll always love you

Just to hold your hand or walk arm in arm
Just to hold you tight and tuck you in to bed
It's all just a wish of mine

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