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read and fuck off from here....

posted on Saturday, July 16, 2011 @ 7/16/2011 01:12:00 AM | back to the top.
2 weeks. An unfamiliar island ugly in the day but so scenic at night. This island brought me problems, made me appreciate what I left and miss back in homeland. It is true that one will never understand the joy of return till you have left home. I was taken away from my loved ones for 2 weeks. I had dreams at night sometimes so scary i would wake up crying from them. I had times I felt so lost I'd just stare blankly into a toilet bowl and just cont flushing several times. I've smoked a ton of cigarettes during my time here. I haven't enjoyed the food at all one bit either which explains my weight loss. I'm so tired I could just rest my head anywhere and fall asleep. This island has changed the person i am. The wind is so strong...the weather is cool..the sun shining so's a beautiful day..yet i still haves tears welled up in my eyes. It's so depressing...

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