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posted on Saturday, February 24, 2007 @ 2/24/2007 11:40:00 PM | back to the top.
Woke up this morning, felt damn cranky. Dreamt of 4D somemore, very unusual cause I don't even like it and I think it's just stupid, what is the probability of the numbers you've just bought that's going strike? ok, I definitely did not have the mood to study today, just very frustrated. Mom came home from church without calling home to tell me that she's bringing her friend back, gosh and I was just in boxers, how even more pissed off. Cin called...said to meet at Vivo City around 7 plus for dinner. Wanted to study a bit before going but the mood still wasn't there so I played some handphone games and lay on my bed. Got ready only at 6 when Mich was expecting me there already. Got the mich's place at 7, mom called to say she was walking back from church. Picked her up later by cab around 7.15. Then met Cin and Dan before heading up for dinner at No Signboard Seafood. Place was crowded I tell you but damn lousy service, we reserved a table for 8.30 and it was already 8.25 when we we were expecting our table to be ready. Turns out we had to wait another 20mins more cause it was full house. So we got our table later, ordered chilli kangkong, black pepper venison, some steamed fish with salted veg, spring onion and garlic crabs and chilli crabs. They were supposed to be famous for their crabs but we found nothing special about them, everyone got tummy aches after eating the chili crabs. Came back home straight and here I am, very stressed about Java exam and DCN, not to mention Management cause after reading the past year paper today it seemed every question was a case study question. Tomorrow I shall perservere and study as how I did for Econs and make sure I get an A for this module, I must not get anything lower than a B for any of my Business modules!Partying is going to start this 2nd March, got a list of things I need to do. Alright, that's all for today I guess..goodnight folks! posted on Friday, February 23, 2007 @ 2/23/2007 01:06:00 PM | back to the top.
Hey there...gosh...haven't had the time to blog about my trip to KL since I came back. But fret not...cause here I am.I'll make it short and's the whole thing: Day 1: Dan drove me and my mom at 6.30am in the morning to Copthorne Orchid Hotel to wait for the bus that was taking us to M'sia. We reached there at 7am when the bus was scheduled to departure at 8.30am. Lucky for me and my mom, this bus company offered a free coffee-cake breakfast at the Palm's cafe. Bus came, and it was those new double decker buses. I thought the inside was going to be damn prestigious and hoping for what Cindy said that it would be like travelling in a Merz and gosh, how dashed my hopes were when I got up the bus. It was really damn cramped though there were 2 TVs. All in all the bus ride was not so bad, took about 4hrs plus to reach KL which is rather fast by road. Reached KL...had a short nap because I didn't sleep on the bus (I couldn't because the seats were that small!!). My 5th aunt was the first to visit us but that was because she was gambling upstairs since morning itself. Came and complained that she lost about 200 ringit. My cousin later brought me upstairs to gamble as well...lost 30 ringit on my first day itself...bad sign! Went for dinner with dad and mom to Sushi King, dad got damn pissed with some gays that were sitting at the next table (he hates gays). Went back home...watched The Marine and Casino Royale with my dad and fell asleep after. Day 2: Woke up at 2pm, aircon was damn shiok..hahaha. My 5th aunt and cousin came again. They came to take us to my 4th aunt's place. But before that, my 1st aunt and more of my cousins and my nephews(damn hyper-active) came to visit us for a while. So later when I went to my 4th aunt's place, me and my 2 favourite cousins decided to go out instead of staying home. Wanted to go watch Ghost Rider but all the timings were much too late so we ended up walking around the shopping centre doing nothing and talking nonsense. When we were on the way back, my cousin tried to do a drift with his car...LOL, mind you he's only 19 and he already has a car. Damn violent, he was going at 130Km/h and I swear I would have pissed in my pants if his car could do a drift. Went back to gamble somemore before going back home, won some cash..hahaha...Reached home, watched Curse of the Golden Flower, really a dumb show. Jay Chou's acting sucked, Chow Yun Fat was too crazy as an Emperor and Gong Li had her boobs pushed up so much it was very distracting. Day 3: I had to go back today, wished I could've stayed longer but I got my exams on in just a few days time and I haven't really prepared. Got on the early afternoon bus, saw this damn huge malay family boarding the bus and I told my mom: " We're definitely not going to have a peaceful ride". I'm not being racist or anything here but sometimes when they're in a large group, they tend to get pretty loud. This I have to admit was the WORST busride I have ever had in all my years travelling to M'sia and back. First, the bus driver didn't stop driving for 3 hours straight and I needed to piss real bad...I mean REALLY BAD. It was so bad, my bladder started hurting and I couldn't move, then I started breaking out in cold sweat and I almost fainted and my mini-me started to feel numb, YES that was how bad it was. Imagine all the cursing and swearing I made in front of my mom. She even suggested that I pee into a plastic bag or bottle but NO WAY was I gonna do something so wrong. Got to a toilet after holding it all up for more than 3 hours when the bus stopped for dinner. And just when I thought I could get some sleep on the bus, a malay lady started cursing damn loudly in the bus in malay, then the ang moh sitting with his singaporean chinese gf turned back and shouted: " Hey, there is no reason why you should go on swearing in May-Lay(that's how it sounded when he said malay)" I got up straight and looked back wondering what happened. After eavesdropping for like 10mins, I realised the malay lady was angry with the chinese girl because she couldn't move about at her seat because of the chinese girl's reclined seat. The chinese girl then said:" If you wanted me to move my seat up, you could just wake me up and tell me, I have no problem with it but that doesn't give you the right to curse me." Then the malay lady retaliated:" I think it's right to curse you, don't think you got ang moh bf means you big, and please stop slanging la, you pretending not to be singaporean is it!". Chinese girl:" Please I don't want any trouble here, you have a grand child here beside, you think it's right to be cursing in front of her?" Malay lady:" That's my own problem, she's my grandchild not yours and it's right that you should be cursed!" Ang Moh:" Hey, we're not looking for trouble here, we didn't mean anything" Malay boy who comes from the front: " Hey you shut come singapore I F*** you!" Another malay boy:" You F***ing cb think you paid for all the seats is it? We did too ok, so f*** off you bastard! Just wait...we reach singapore, I F*** you man!" Violent...but this was quite funny in a sense cause it sounded like the phone recording I heard of the Ah Beng and Bangla fight so I laughed quietly in my heart. The ang moh and his chinese gf then turned away and ignored everything. Soon, all was quiet. Reached S'pore only at 2am in the morning, bloody busride took 8 hrs to come to Singapore, I could've gone to Thailand and come back within that period of time, hahaha. Anyway...that is all for the trip. Yest had my Stats exam...did ok...maybe a C+ or a B. This morning had my Econs exam, think I did quite ok though I was the first to leave the exam hall, maybe I can get a B or B+ or if im lucky enough, an A..hahaha. Well that's all I have to post today, I'm at Kane's place chillin a while before I go home to study again. Thanks for reading my long boring posts! posted on Wednesday, February 14, 2007 @ 2/14/2007 12:49:00 AM | back to the top.
Here's what happened today, I woke up in the morning looking like one of those characters from Dragon Ballz. What I saw later in my mom's room kept me in stitches the whole day. My mom dyed her hair by herself, apparently she said she had too many white strands of hair. Instead of the usual brownish black she always buys, today she tries something new, Mahogany.Here's the cost of having to dye your own hair:
Yea..The first thing I said to her was: " Hey, you look like Krusty the Clown or Cyndi Lauper!" I'm mean, yes I know that myself but it was funny, and here's how she looked(you can see me in the mirror laughing while taking the photo), hahaha...check out the BRIGHT RED FRINGE, I had no idea my mom was such a Punk Rocker. Cindy came over later to do scan some stuff, she and I had planned to go out today. Went first with her to OCBC to get some new notes for red packets, then headed to Thomson Plaza to get our body massage. Gosh, it was damn painful but bloody well nice after the whole thing was done. Cindy got a lady to do her back while I got this Malaysian dude. He asked me to take off my shirt and I went like....ERRR for what especially when there's nobody else who had their shirts taken off. HMMMM....but I did anyway since he said the effects would be better. When he did my back and neck, it wasn't really all that painful, more like ticklish especially when he did my shoulder blades. Next he helped do my sprained ankles, yes both of my ankles are sprained. This was the one that hurt like hell, I swear...I could've passed out there and then if didn't stop him occasionally. He used his full force rubbing my ankles and twisting them from side to side. There was even one instance where he twisted both my ankles inward at the SAME time and that was the killer blow, because of that I almost kicked his face. Yes, I know that some pressure has to be used to cure these injuries but to use that amount of force? That could've broken my foot! Gosh, anyway after the whole thing we went for lunch afterwhich we looked around the optical shops at Thomson Plaza to have me make a new pair of specs. Went into this shop called erm...First Contact Lens Centre. Saw this damn pretty girl, maybe around 18 or 19 but she was freaking tall and was damn bloody rich, she had on an Ed Hardy Trucker Cap;Burberry Watch;Coach handbag;Lacoste shoes and all in all, she was the bomb..though she was with her mom. Back to the I searched around and finally found a frame that I liked and my sister liked, pretty funky colours too..hahaha! Took a cab to town after making my new pair of specs which is to be collected tomorrow (today since it's already past 12am). Went to Wisma first, Cindy checked out Topshop and couldn't find anything, I went to Topman and got this retro red polka dotted shirt which I wanted to get last Christmas...I think Manying you would remember it..LOL! I didn't get it the last time because it was too broad for the shoulders then but now after much fits me perfectly now. Wanted to get a newspaper boy cap as well but they didn't have my size, couldn't find any nice new wallet as well all seemed so punk rockish, wanted to get a belt too but non were appealing and AMAZINGLY that shirt was all I went home with. Cindy shopped a lot, well not really a lot but she tried on a lot of stuff, esp. at Mango. I was there as her fashion advisor/clothes hanger. Happy to help her pick out some stuff that made her look different for a change, a bit of 60s and a youngish feel to the new wardrobe she and I picked out. I know for sure she's going to look great in those clothes! Dan came to meet us for dinner, we ate at Pacific Plaza then headed home. Bought apple strudel for Ritz on the way for mom. Everybody was dead tired when we came home, I'm much too tired to do any studying so here I am blogging and now I'm much too tired to blog anymore..Goodnight readers Labels: Cin, Out with my Sis posted on Saturday, February 10, 2007 @ 2/10/2007 12:56:00 AM | back to the top.
What's wrong with me today? I woke up really angry...for no reason...and during lecture I felt all bored and emo. Was late to meet 1 hour late cause of the stupid photocopying aunty. Gosh....went with James to Raffles City Shopping Centre, intention? To get his girlfriend Charissa a gift for Valentine's day. So he got her a necklace from Perlini's and he was worried it'd be too small for her neck so he asked the lady to extend it but the extention went out of stock so we headed back to my place to play a little cards after ages. But before that we made a little detour to AMK to get more's been long since we've visited that shop too. Came home, played 2 rounds, I lost once and drew the next round and we went to watch youTube videos. He went home not long after and I was home...alone. Went to my room and lay on my bed staring into the blank ceiling, nothing in my mind. Went back to the computer not long after, started playing golden oldies and James was sending me few as well. A sudden surge of sadness filled me and for what reason I do not know why too. I started tearing..maybe the songs were the cause of it? I don't's depressing to think about it anymore. Exams are around the corner and I have no mood to study. I feel like quitting school, I hate this course, but what other options do I have. So what if I scored well? I wasn't elated...not in the least bit, I would just be satisfied. My mind's a mess now...I don't know what I'm doing these days. Everyday I tell myself to quit but I can''s not an's more of a habit. I do it because I'm sad..and I'm sad because I do it, what am I's such a lousy excuse. I sleep at 4 or 5 am everyday and wake up at 11 or a bit later. Life's getting more and more boring. I wonder how I can live through this any longer...but I'm not going to kill myself or anything...don't worry my readers. I'm curious to see how I'll cope with it and live on. It'll be crappy and pathetic but I'll try. If anybody is free enough...could you do me a favour by checking out the symptoms of a person who is about to go insane or schizophrenic, thanks. I'm a good kid...I'm filial to my parents and siblings, I do not lose my temper as often as I did in secondary, I try to be as accomodating as I can to all my friends but why am I still feeling so down and out, I just don't get it!My thoughts are what fill my life, Inside it all there is no peace. How can one hold such strife? Tell me so I can live my life with ease. Yes, so I do take a puff ever and anon, It's not as though I'm having so much pleasure. Most of the time it's just me and me alone, Forget my life, it's no treasure! Some people stare and say "What a horrendous sight!" And I go home to the mirror and look Indeed I don't look a delight. So then I realise it must be what I took. Is it my fate or my will that I be so broken, So much guilt and misery entrap my nights. Many dark secrets I hold, but now I must be open, For the shadows like to thee do mock my sight. My eyelids have grown as heavy as my thoughts. Now, I must retire to my room. With reluctance I head to bed, afraid of dreams of all sorts. So please pray that I won't meet my doom. Sorry this has been such a sad and depressing post, but do not shower me with'll just make things worse. I feel much better letting it all out, guess I'm happier than I was just now. Goodnight or rather's now 3am and I've got to get my rest... posted on Tuesday, February 06, 2007 @ 2/06/2007 10:14:00 PM | back to the top.
Tiring tiring day it was today although there was no school, woke up with my whole body aching though that's not something new cause it happens almost everyday. Called my mom to the room and asked her to give me a neck rub and asked her while I was half asleep: " We should go to look for a matteress today! Let's go to IKEA now. " The plan yesterday was to go to IKEA today but I had no idea why I was in such a rush, maybe I was just sleepy. Woke up at around 2.30pm...had my "Brunch" which was Kellogg's Frosties and Waffles. Watched "Street Fighter Alpha The Animated Movie" on AXN while eating my brunch, review of the cartoon? It was P-P-P-POWERRRR! Got ready at 4 to go to IKEA with my mom afterwhich we walked to the Yishun interchange to take 855. Bus ride was damn bloody long, I swear I could've gone to JB within the same time maybe even faster. Walking into IKEA, me and my mom got this whiff of some foul smell which my mom said smelt like PISS WATER and for no reason she cursed the person who pissed somewhere around, and as to where he did it or if someone even really pissed, I do not know anything. Then in IKEA, we went to look for a new study desk, swivel chair, shoe rack, matteress, coat hangers, and more storage space, all for my room. What we did end up buying was everything on the list including some unnecessary stuff(e.g. Alarm Clock for my room) except the study desk because we forgot the measurements. Took a cab back where this uncle who was driving it didn't know where Yishun Street 11 was! I had to guide him...gosh! Reached home and spent another 2 hours fixing up everything I bought for my room and shifted it all in. I have to say, the look I've always wanted for my room is becoming reality, just the desk and the dressing table that's out of place and I need a new TV!Ok, so I promised to give a review of all the movies I rented and here's the first Addicted to Love: **** upon 5 My Opinion: Sam's(Matthew Broderick) broken hearted over his girlfriend dumping him, and he (litteraly) has a run in with Maggie(Meg Ryan) who also has been dumped and what do you know? Their respective others are dating each other. They team together so Maggie can get revenge and Sam can get his girlfriend back. Though the end is totally predictable, it's still fun yet dark and damn hilarious. I'd reccommend this if you like black comedies. Alright, that's all for today...I gotta go get myself a bowl of Bird's nest soup which my mom was brewing the whole day..till next time...goodbye readers! posted on Monday, February 05, 2007 @ 2/05/2007 09:01:00 PM | back to the top.
Oh gosh...I am so glad that my stupid Java project is over. Though I know I won't score great marks but I thought my group could at least pass the project with what we presented today. Though I don't know about David, he was presenting something that was not supposed to be presented, examiner also kept bombing him with questions that he couldn't answer. THIS IS WHY PEOPLE SHOULD NEVER LEARN TO BE A FREE RIDER FOR PROJECTS! Soon after the presentation was over I slept in the lab waiting for Sebas to finish his own presentation, yes that was how tired I was. Woke up with a fever and so I took a cab back. On the way I borrowed a few VCDs and DVDs, though coincidently they all stared Meg Ryan and the genre of all the movies were Romantic Comedys, I just realised this after reaching home. Before I could watch any of them I went to my room to sleep again, this was my longest nap ever from 12PM - 8PM and that's like 8 hours!?!? But people....take into account that I've only slept for a total 21 hours the past 5 days. Woke up and my mom made wonderful pasta with cream of mushroom soup but this new brand of instant soup she bought tasted like vomit juice when I drank it, my mom agreed too. No school tomorrow so I'm going with my mom to IKEA to get some stuff for my room. Alright...want to know the list of the movies I rented? Well, here it is: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Don't ask me why I rented these movies but what I can tell you is that I'll give the reviews after I've finished watching em'...Let's see...Alright I'm gonna start with " Addicted to Love". This is yet another worthless post by Rick and till next time, goodbye readers! |
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