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posted on Sunday, January 28, 2007 @ 1/28/2007 01:16:00 AM | back to the top.
Dreary,Beaten, Sent into a daze. Stars whisk me towards a blaze. Clueless, Pointless, Lost in bliss. I'm slipping away straight into the abyss. Stressed, Depressed, So much of emotion. Much like that of a Hollywood connotation I see not my future, I see not my past, Only my present That's spining so fast. Buzzing thoughts of death ever so near. What is dejection when death is not to fear? I hope to move on and forget everything, But what can I do if I can't even get over the smallest of things! posted on Friday, January 26, 2007 @ 1/26/2007 12:30:00 AM | back to the top.
Nominees for Best Fight SequenceThe starting where they look at each other and how that ass clown licks his blade already shows how gay the fight is gonna be. Then fight zooms in to the 2 guys exchanging blows and how their saliva is spouting out all over. The 2 then rip their shirts apart because of small holes in their attire and they start whacking each other relentlessly and the best part of all, they're not even blocking each other's attacks! There's this next part where the good guy then grabs the bad guy's face which is so dumb and this girl who has a broken arm comes along swings a towel like it's such a damn powerful weapon and uses it to pull the bad guy's knife away. Funny part comes after his left eye gets stabbed by a nail in the wall and he starts screaming for a damn long time. Next funny scene is when the bad guy fights with the girl, there will be times where he stops...waits for her to attack him and after receiving her blows he just groans louder and louder, think this is around 2:32-2:39, also look out for the girl doing a backflip with a broken arm. Next up, they continue fight until the bad guy falls onto a crane and stabs his OTHER eye this time. The good guy pulls the lever for the crane and the bad guy dangles in the air from his eye which is freaking disgusting. Cheesiest lines come up next..girl says: " I'll keep an EYE out for you...STINGRAY ", guy then says: " YEAH...SEE YOU" with the most retarded expression on his face. This is from a Hindhi movie. Just retarded lines and pathetic punches and sound effects. This is a classic, whole thing is just hilarious...too much to comment so I won't say anything just watch and enjoy. posted on Friday, January 19, 2007 @ 1/19/2007 10:52:00 PM | back to the top.
I know I'm not supposed to be here posting anything but this week just has been too stressful. 3 projects plus french dialog next week.Here is the status of those 4 tasks I have at hand: Principles of Management Due date: 29 January - Completed the interview and found the 2 articles, all that is left to do is to link the interview back to theory work and complete the ppt. Economics Due date: 21 January - Arguably the most stressful project I've done my whole life thus far. Found most of the data, finished analysis today, have not started on qn2 though we've only decided what business we're going to do. Team is also a bit disoriented? Is that the proper word...sigh...I don't know Java Due date: 30 January - Tough to do project but lecturer is kind enough to lend us each a helping hand so if we happen to get stuck anywhere, he'll be there to help us whenever he can. Basically completed like 50% of the project and with the additional helping hand next week we're getting, we should be able to complete another 20% at least. Parental Advisory: This Post May Contain Explicit and Vulgar language Ok, here's what happened today. I woke up with a splitting headache...wondered for a while whether I should attend school. But the thought of not going for project discussion just wouldn't leave my mind and my group wouldn't have completed anything if I had not been there today. Went to meet my grp members at 2pm..ok 2.16pm, I was late. Reached there and I was stunned to see another group in the project room. OKAY...nevermind. Then I saw my GROUP MEMBER, sitting and discussing with them, so I thought to myself what the fuck is he doing over there instead of coming to discuss the itenary for today's project meeting? E later told me that he was doing the management project, upon hearing this my whole mood just changed. Why the fuck is he doing some other project which is due the week after next and not doing the one that's due this weekend!?!? Gosh..freaking frustrated with this guy. He's also damn fucking self-conceited, thinks he is damn bloody big and same goes for his eldest sis who scolded me for no reason when I was in his group the last time. I was analysing all the data today plus reading pages after pages of information and searching every possible website for things we could use. Ok...so another group member of mine, Jotham came very late but I understand he's like that and I've done all my projects with him so far so I know his capacity and what he's able to do and not do and I've got no prob with him in the least bit. He asked "that self-conceited" guy what needs to be done and that ass told Jotham go ask someone else cause he's wasn't doing, Jotham then asked whether Econs project was done already and that ass said no but he completed his part already. What fucking part did he do? Go to one bloody website and download a file which I read and analysed while he was doing his own bloody management project!?!? I almost felt like going there and slapping him in the face...but nvm...don't want to be in court being sued for assault and coming out in the newspaper since he KNOWS so many reporters and big shits. Finished doing everything only at around 7 plus reached home at 8.30pm...super tired...gosh... This is officially my most vulgar posting ever...please mind my language...peace out...my mind is appeased... posted on Monday, January 15, 2007 @ 1/15/2007 11:03:00 PM | back to the top.
Today's post will be my last post until the 1st of March. As to why, the picture below will explain everything.![]() Yes, my exams are coming so in order for my resolution to get a GPA or 3.0 and above, I have to start studying from Wednesday onwards. As for today, well everything went according to usual..normal classes then tennis. Here's an advice for people playing tennis: Wear tennis shoes and not running shoes when you are going to play tennis, only idiots like me wear running shoes and play. Consequence: I slipped...did a split...and stretched my knee which was already hurt and aggravated the sprain in my left foot. Yes, sounds very painful...it is...and now my ankle is swelled up like a ball again just when it looked alright this morning. Walking back home was the worst part of today especially. I walked the usual way from Yishun MRT to get back home only today there was a dead rat on the pathway which looked totally disgusting with maggots and stuff all feasting on its corpse. Then when I got into the lift and the door was closing, this chinese man ran to the lift asking me to hold the lift and I quickly pressed the door open button. And fook!!! when the doors opened that man just wasn't there anymore!! Where the hell did he go to!?!? Sheeesh..my heart started racing as I went up in the lift...freaky shit man. Gosh...no one was at home as well when I got back. But they were all back in like 10 mins or so. Sigh..today is the last day I will be going online, blogging and the only thing I will do is reply messages from my tag board. So if there's anything you want to ask me or tell me just tag. Alright...it's a sad sign off today...buaizzzzzzzzzz posted on Thursday, January 11, 2007 @ 1/11/2007 12:42:00 AM | back to the top.
Today started off quite badly and ended off just as bad or probably even worse. I was supposed to meet Jun Kai at 9.45am today cause we intended to go for the lecture. I woke up at 9am and msged Jun Kai straight away that I'll be late to meet him. Then he replied ok just hurry. So I did and I left the house at 9.40am and reached Yio Chu Kang at 10am. I tried calling him before I left the house to ask where he was but he didn't pick up so I decided to try calling when I reached. And when I did that....he was still home and told me he just finished bathing!!! OK..nvm...luckily I had my songs to keep me company while waiting(waited approx. 30mins). Went to class as usual nothing much...did project after class ended and didn't really achieve much. Football was at 6pm later in the evening with Jun Kai and the gang, Khairul, my bro from secondary school also came to play. Started of the matches pretty quickly cause we only had the court for 2 hours, and playing football after like 6 months is not cool at all, I lost my reading of the game, marking and dribbling was awful. I was just playing shitty today and what's worse is that left knee pain attacked me AGAIN!!! Couldn't bend or run about comfortably...then I sprained my left ankle which healed from a sprain...GOSH. Jun Kai unintentionally tackled me and I fell on my left ankle which then later led to my team conceding A LOT of goals. I got too serious and started playing very roughly trying to win back possession everytime my team lost it and almost made a small malay boy fall. Yeah...my bad, and Jun Kai scolded me whereas others asked me to relax a bit...lol...too enthu about winning I guess...hahaha. There's a statistics test tomorrow and I haven't touched my book. It's going to be another flunked test for me I guess...gosh...Studying sucks.It's 1am already, got to wake up at 7am to read a bit a least so I had better stop here...sigh...life's been so stale since the end of the holidays. posted on Monday, January 08, 2007 @ 1/08/2007 11:30:00 PM | back to the top.
Let me start of this post from last Friday. Dad, Mom and Michele(my 2nd eldest sis) were off to Ho Chi Minh City for a holiday. I couldn't join them because I had SCHOOL...though I wouldn't really fancy going there. Went to school as per normal and except that I played tennis with Spenser, Nicholas, Zhen Yan and his friend. Played quite shitty when I started but got more consistent as I played. Daniel(my bro-in-law) came to pick me up cause I was going over to stay at Cindy's place. Can't remember if I had dinner but I do remember the dude needed to buy his and Cin's dinner. So he dropped me home to pack my stuff and he went back to his home to have dinner. My bag weighed like freaking 10KG when I finished packing, gosh...it almost looked as if I was running away from home or something. Had my laptop and PS2 plus school books and clothes for the weekend. When I reached...I hooked up the PS2 and the dude and I started playing "Winning Eleven". Got thrashed bad by Newcastle Utd in the game like 8-3...gosh...we played our worst ever football in our "Winning Eleven" careers I think. We got so tired of drawing matches and losing that we just decided to switch the game off and go to sleep. Woke up Saturday morning for breakfast and the dude bought Meepok back for everyone. Damn it was good shit...according to the dude it was from one of the best stalls in S'pore...I believe him. After that the dude wanted to play his career mode for "Need for Speed:Carbon". He played so long that I fell asleep watching him play...and when I woke up he was almost near completion of the game!! Gosh..but he got tired of it as well and we played " Winning Eleven"...again. This time WE were the ones thrashing other teams and we broke our jinx run against Newcastle...WE DID IT and won 4-0. 8pm in the evening...we had to go meet Cindy for dinner. Met her at Newton Hawker where it was gluttons' paradise...all the best food over there. We had stingray, mutton soup, Mee Reebus, BBQ Chicken Wings...and BEER...Yes, though I only had 1 mug. I finished up the food because I was UBER hungry and the food was just too good to resist. After dinner we went to Brauhaus for some drinks with the dude's colleagues. Had an apple beer which was pretty nice I have to say. Played pool with the dude and lost BADLY...YES I dislike pool...lost to Cindy twice!! The best part about losing to my sis twice was that most of the time I was telling her the angles of where to hit the balls at. This shows I can become a coach but never a player. Went home tired and everybody plonked on their beds and me...on the couch. Woke up the next Sunday morning to a wonderful breakfast of waffles with honey, butter and strawberrys..SHIOKS. Watched cartoon till the afternoon with my sister until the weather turned so gloomy that I fell asleep again. Woke up and saw the dude playing PS2 and asked him to switch to "Winning Eleven" and thus we started playing again...though this time round we lost and won equally...it's not really all exciting when we've been playing the same game for so long. Dinner was pizza and Sunday Blockbuster on 5.."Catch Me If You Can". Great show...even after watching it 4 times already. Dan went to do some work after the movie and Cin as well so I did my management principles homework too. Can't believe I slept only at 1.30am staying up to watch Channel U's ZHONG YI DA GE DA. Lame ass crap I have to say but it helped me get to sleep.Monday today is not such a good day. Went to school with a major stomach ache, did badly for some of my tests and realise that I might actually repeat all my modules if I don't buck up. Tennis training didn't go so well...I almost felt like smashing my racquet on the floor to let it break but I didn't. Vomited after the physical which was totally embarassing especially in front of all the guys. My right foot cramped while walking up the stairs going home and my left knee injury is now worse than ever...I don't even need to bend it now to feel the sting. Java test tomorrow and here I am still bloggin...Oh what the hell..I wouldn't understand anything even if I did study...so what's the point if I know I'm bound to flunk the test. Here's an advice for people who start to feel emo. Have Red Wine with Black Chocolates...cures everything! I mean it...that's what I'm doing now so goodbye and goodnight!!!!! posted on Tuesday, January 02, 2007 @ 1/02/2007 10:00:00 PM | back to the top.
Today's the last day of the holidays, everybody must be feeling reluctant and sad to return back to school. I know I am. This holiday period was filled with so much fun and entertainment for me, one of the best and if not...the best holidays I have ever had in a long long time. Christmas was great but the New Year was even better, lots of laughter and fun. Me, Andrew, Kane and his girlfriend Xinyi and 2 other girls. Met them at 10.30pm and left with them at 7am, my first time staying out so late and also the first time I spent New Year out with my friends. 4 people to thank for this holiday period and giving me such a great end to 2006. First person or rather people, would have to be my family, my sisters and brother-in-laws together with my parents. Second goes to the Geow family (Kane's family)for letting me go over whenever I felt bored or simply felt like going there, had so much fun always especially if Jon was around. 3rd would have to be James, calling me up and talking cock non stop whether online or on the phone it was all the same, also enjoyed going to the movies with him and watchin MadTv Vids on Youtube. 4th? hahaha...it's the mistress of laughter for chatting with in the late nights from like erm...11pm - 2am, no idea if she was keeping me company or vice versa but it was always fun chatting with her and I mean ALWAYS. So thank you all for entertaining me for it's been such a wonderful time. It almost sounds as though I'm gonna cry but yeah...I did wish for it all not to end but sadly it has to. Exams start next month so I don't think I'll be blogging much until probably exams have ended. New Year Resolutions 1: Get my place for singles in the school team 2: Get a GPA of 3.0 or higher 3: Become less lazy 4: Hopefully...I can...Nevermind Ok, class starts at 11am for me tomorrow and hopefully this friday, my dad decides NOT to go to Guangzhou and instead use the $$$$ to do up the house. CIAO.... |
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