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posted on Thursday, August 10, 2006 @ 8/10/2006 11:00:00 PM | back to the top.
WOOHOO!!!! Exams are approaching which in other words means....Holidays are coming along as well...hahaha...who in their right frame of mind would think of something like that huh...hahhahaha...right...i'm confused with my own words.Alright...so there was a 3 day "holiday";Tuesday, Wednesday and today, thursday. And what did i do? Absolutely nothing...which is why i am bloggin now since i have so much free time. A lot of you must be wondering why i'm not anxious about the exams. To tell you the truth, i myself am unable to answer that. Yesterday i was out for almost the whole day though, played FM 06' when i woke up and went for street soccer at 2 where i had a great time scoring goals and then at 5pm i had dinner at Holland V with Dan-Cin(Bro-in-law and sis) and my mom. We had indian food and after which we went for dessert at Gelare where i had a double scoop made up of a sour power lemon sorbet and a sweet creamy cookies and cream...just makes your mouth water doesn't it...though it's a weird combo...they both complement each other in their own way. And as for today, i did do a bit of studying, C-Maths...chapter 1 and 2. There, this goes to show i do have some sense of "urgency". And after i was done i proceeded to watch my new DVD, "Napoleon Dynamite". There were some pretty hilarious scenes but there were parts where it was quite slow. But overall it was a 4 over 5 star film..alright here's the last part of my post which is...the dance scene of Napoleon Dynamite...yes that's his name...so enjoy!posted on Friday, August 04, 2006 @ 8/04/2006 10:08:00 PM | back to the top.
OH MY GOD!!!!! someone please help me!! getting stressed out...First issue: Exams are approaching and i haven't started mugging! Second issue: My tennis is getting from bad to worse, at this rate i will never make the team. Third issue: Getting mocked at in school like there's no tomorrow. Fourth issue: Not eating well at all...totally no mood to eat anything. My life is a mess now...and this is the first post after 3 weeks...3 WEEKS!!!! that's how long i havent blogged, its always either because im too tired or that im too busy. I wish a guardian angel could come down to help me through this period. ARGHHHH...my gosh...i cant believe it...this is the first time im getting stressed out so easily. Is it the pressure of my studies or my school mates?!?!? I have no idea...my my...what am i to do? sigh...and by the way this hat i bought is not a cowboy hat! It's a Fedora! ![]() Doesn't anyone know anything abt hats in school?! Bullocks...so a cowboy wears a Fedora now huh...Dang...its seems i've got so much anger in me now...i need to get it out and soon, before i go bonkers. Thank god for youtube and whose line is it anyway...my only form of relaxation other than music. |
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