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posted on Sunday, July 23, 2006 @ 7/23/2006 11:41:00 PM | back to the top.
AGES!! its been days,weeks, decades maybe even centuries since i last blogged.Man i was really damn busy the whole of the last 2 weeks, so busy i didnt even have time for myself. Forgive me,frequent visitors of my blog.Alright here's the thing...Marketing project went quite well even though now there's like a little fued between my grp and adrian...his sister sort of like scolded us for no reason or rhyme using vulgarities and stuff...pretty hurtful...though i didnt scold her was proper respect alright...why would anyone scold someone you didnt know for no reason? alright...i have no idea what i just said there...hmm...then we presented our project and it was the best! can you believe that...see adrian! nv underestimate us! alright...then i pretty much cant rmb a single thing that happened last week so i'll talk abt yest and today. Sat: I went for tennis training at 10am, then after that i went with wee yiow to watch his first round match for the competition he joined. He won 6-1,6-4 which was not really convincing cause his opponent didnt seem really strong...then afterwards, i went to sebas' house to stay over, and there were like 5 of us there. All lying on the bed taking turns to thrash each other at Winning 11...hahaha...i didnt win a match...sebas proved to be much stronger than i expected judging from the years of experience i have for that a bit arrogant there...hmm then woke up like 5.30 the next morning to be early for their soccer tournament at kallang...i was just a supporter..but when we reached there we were like the FIRST team to arrive! but ltr on arnd 9 plus the crowd started coming in...and to our dismay! they were all from NYP's school soccer team! Immediately our morale dropped to 0! yes Z.E.R.O. But my friend's tried their best and at least lost only 1 match our of 2..LOL...Then we went back to sebas' place...we were like totally whacked out...really just felt like sleeping...and so we did...after eating our pizza from PIZZA HUT...damn filling...Then i went home first and slept...totally couldnt do anything...really dead tired...even now as im bloggin, i can feel the weight of my eyelids just dropping down to cover my eyes, guess i should go slp now...its 12.32 am...still got school tmr...BORING!

posted on Saturday, July 08, 2006 @ 7/08/2006 12:01:00 AM | back to the top.
hey all...wassup...LOL,just trying to act street...cant pull it off though. Well, nothing really happened this whole week, just another routine except that on Thursday i played tennis with Ms.Chelsea after school, lol...could see that she wasnt concentrating and had a lot of stuff on her mind, wanted to tell her to relax and just enjoy the game...but it sorta didnt come out of my mouth. Then coach came, cause there was training for the school team, he asked me and her to practise a while with one of the girls and my my...i dont think she was really school team quality...she looked like she just graduated from a beginners class and joined the school team...but im sure she wasnt the regular over there. Then before leaving for home, coach told Ms.Chelsea she would be joining the team next year...YAY...happy for her...Congrats Ms.Chelsea Loo!, then Friday(just few hours ago!), i went with Jotham to look for a bag...he said he needed one urgently so i accompanied him. We went to Seah St somewhere behind Raffles Place to this designer shop called Actually!, and when we reached there the bags and jeans were really damn nice but they were too pricy for us teenagers, pair of jeans there is like $299 and the bag around the same but we expected it...for the bag especially cause it was "Freitag". So we went home straight after that. Then at 7, I met up with Faizal and James to discuss our class reunion chalet, didnt really do anything though we did make fun of each other a lot during the discussion, missed those times in secondary school, LOL..Then now im home, watchin "Whose Line Is It Anyway" and here are 2 videos which i found particulary funny, which James recommended. Take it away Drew....

posted on Thursday, July 06, 2006 @ 7/06/2006 01:10:00 AM | back to the top.
Hey all, pleased to blog again after such a long period. Well everything has been fine, just really a lot of projects and tests coming up these few weeks. REALLY REALLY stressed! Had dinner at pastamania last week with the frisbee team, this time it was de zhang who was supposed to pay for our meal, ended up paying for our own share but its least he did pay for the drinks. Went to the newly opened leftfoot at Cineleisure and CRAP!!!! I saw this really super duper nice Adidas jacket and also 3 pairs of shoes that really caught my eye.Then on Sunday, I went to church in the morning, saw this really familiar guy...i've bumped into him like more than 10 times already...and its not just in church but everywhere. He wears this bandana and is really tan and tall and also has a soul patch. But who cares, after that i went to play tennis with Daniel, my bro-in-law...hahaha...yea...we played quite well today...several long rallies which was quite fun. Realised that shouting does help to focus yourself indeed. Then on Monday night i went to watch Superman, didnt turn out as bad as i expected it to it was quite worth it and yest i played soccer...didnt play well at all cause i was playing bare-footed. This morning though I did not attend school, jun kai must be really pissed with me...LOL...but here's something to laugh abt...go read this guys entry on how to make your own world cup soccer ball, its hilarious, here's the link guys...go kill yourselves

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