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posted on Saturday, July 16, 2011 @ 7/16/2011 01:12:00 AM | back to the top.
2 weeks. An unfamiliar island ugly in the day but so scenic at night. This island brought me problems, made me appreciate what I left and miss back in homeland. It is true that one will never understand the joy of return till you have left home. I was taken away from my loved ones for 2 weeks. I had dreams at night sometimes so scary i would wake up crying from them. I had times I felt so lost I'd just stare blankly into a toilet bowl and just cont flushing several times. I've smoked a ton of cigarettes during my time here. I haven't enjoyed the food at all one bit either which explains my weight loss. I'm so tired I could just rest my head anywhere and fall asleep. This island has changed the person i am. The wind is so strong...the weather is cool..the sun shining so bright..it's a beautiful day..yet i still haves tears welled up in my eyes. It's so depressing...posted on Friday, June 10, 2011 @ 6/10/2011 04:54:00 PM | back to the top.
Your feelings really hit me. I know we only have a little time left but that's exactly why I want to spend our time together like we always do. Like any other day. I want to believe that it's not something special to signify the end but instead that it's not the ending. So let's make a promise, that this is not the end of everything, but just the beginning once again. If you'd ask me truthfully if I wanted to let go then my answer would of course be no. If you ask me whether I'll be fine with you not around any more, of course I won't be. I made a promise to myself not to let you out of my sight. I may not have anyone left whom I'll really love and that might be a sad thing for me, but cause I know that we cannot be with each due to certain reasons and not because we don't love each other that's something that consoles me. I will wait...keep on waiting because I know that one day will come where I can ask for your hand and there will be no one else who could object to it.posted on @ 6/10/2011 10:29:00 AM | back to the top.
![]() 15 Things I do that remind me of you 1) Waking up in the morning I remember how such a brat you are especially when you have to wake up early. You throw little spoilt princess tantrums and start stomping the floor. 2) Brushing my teeth I remember how you can just find a toothbrush somewhere in your room then take toothpaste and brush your teeth IN bed with your eyes still closed. 3) Bathing Every time I wash my little 'me' I see the scar there and remember the little mishap we had that one day. 4) Going to 7-11 I remember your favourite instant cup noodles, spicy oyster flavoured after which you must definitely get a flavoured drink and some sweets (e.g. Chupa Chups) 5) Using the computer I remember how you can spend the longest time doing your work, trying to find solutions to help you finish your work faster instead of finishing your work sometimes not even while finding the solutions you start working on other trivial yet life or death matter to you tasks which can actually be done in your free time. 6) Using my iPhone I remember how you can squat anywhere for the longest time and just play games on your iPhone 7) Walking up/down the stairs I remember the times we would sit by the flight of stairs near your house and smoke, I remember slipping a couple of times, you did too and I remember having to piggy back you 5 floors down on one of the days. 8) Super glue I remember the time you tried to fix back the iPhone cover I bought for you and ended up making a mess getting super glue all over your hands. 9) Writing my poems I remember how you made fun of me when I first said that I was gonna try and publish my own book. While writing I remember how you start coming up with hilariously lame rhymes and raps. 10) Listening to Music I remember how you always have a song of the week and we'd spend the whole time just listening to the same song repeatedly in your car with you singing it at the top of your voice. 11) Clubbing I remember every single time I met you, the first time on the dance floor where you shuffled at Soul, you looked like a goddess. Testing my memory when you gave me your number. Shirley Temple the only thing you'd always want to drink. 12) Eating McDonalds Having McSpicy with you for almost every meal was the most enjoyable thing ever. Scolding me for finishing up your drink, for leaving just the bread and no chicken for you and especially for not finishing my food. 13) Going up a lift I remember how you'd always start looking for your house keys and the infamous question of yours "Where did i put my house keys?" which would be followed by "You took it.." when I never even touched your keys but it made me laugh. 14) Watching a movie I'll always remember, the first movie we watched together, Arthur. You were very late for it, and I was waiting with a McSpicy and Nuggets, you came looking so scared, afraid that I'd scold you for being late and you apologised so sadly but you saw me smiling and asked "you're not angry?" And I replied you "You still made it for the movie right so why should I be angry?" Movies we watched together - Arthur, A Chinese Ghost Story, Water for Elephants, Priest 15) Sleeping I'll always remember how you'd always tuck your legs in between mine. How your head just rests against my chest and on top of my right arm. The fragrance of your hair, your long beautiful lashes, the moles on your right cheek and chin, the deep breaths you take when you sleep, how you suddenly grab my hand and hug it while you're asleep. When You feel alone just look at the spaces between your fingers and remember that in those spaces you can see my fingers locked with yours forever, be the wonder woman that you are inside of you so smile..cause that one smile of yours gives me a thousand butterflies in my stomach. Your smile was always the brightest beam of light That seemed to shoot across those blackened skies Each and every painful night Your eyes always seemed to have a mesmerizing shine That twinkled in sync with the Heaven's And wont seem to leave my mind Today is a gift, that's why it's called present Your voice still echoes lively, even without your essence Our mistakes, of the past, will never be remade And I can see so clearly now, but then the light starts to fade Begging never suited my taste, nor, I know, did stealing As well, I can't let all your efforts go to waste So, to leave you now, I am most unwilling.. Leaving you is the hardest thing I've had to do, But I know that I have too. So I'll say goodbye, and I'll walk away, There's silence, nothing left to say, I'll love you, each day without you more and more, posted on Thursday, May 19, 2011 @ 5/19/2011 12:09:00 AM | back to the top.
![]() You'll be my girl forever, that is if you are a believer My love for you will never end, I yearn to be more than just a friend Someday I'll see you when I turn, I'm not over you yet, that's what I'll learn I'll try to convince myself that I AM over you, Oh how I wished you loved me too Back to the friendly past, where hopefully it will last At least longer then before, but then again what more can I ask Yes, it was the worse day of my life, Wishing if would last till you were my beloved wife You'd be part of a dream which would come true, Instead now it's just become a memory of you I still believe in the same destiny, That you and I were meant to be My witnesses are the stars from above, In our next lives again we will love posted on Wednesday, May 18, 2011 @ 5/18/2011 01:34:00 AM | back to the top.
I think I'm going crazy...I can't stop thinking about you for even a sec....I keep looking at my phone to see if I missed any of your calls or text messages. I keep logging into the pokerist to check if you're online just so I could talk to you. I haven't heard much from you all day and it feels like something is piercing my heart. I almost went into hyper ventilation when I heard you had to tell me something and that you had to clear your mind first before saying anything to me. I want to see you so badly...I feel like a lost soul wandering aimlessly...lost of any sense of direction...lost in everything.....I'm having insomnia...been waking up every 2 or 3 hours because of weird dreams...just this afternoon I had a dream that I wish would never come true...I had a dream that you sent me an sms...with just these words " Do you know you are the sweetest guy ever to me...I'm so grateful to you for showing me the love and concern when no one else would..."I woke up in tears....so scared that it was real...I don't want it to happen. My heart keeps thumping so rapidly. I miss you so much....a day without seeing you is a torture. I wouldn't have gone to Zouk had it not been for your sms "hmmmm....I think I most probably will head down later as well." I wanted to see you so badly....it's not an excuse to club...it's not a reason either....I just pure heartedly wanted to see you that badly. Please please please....don't tell me that you're leaving me posted on Saturday, May 14, 2011 @ 5/14/2011 09:11:00 PM | back to the top.
![]() How I long to hear your sweet voice The soft sexy way in which you speak to me To have shivers run through my body Just the way that I know they would How I long to feel your heart beating Feel it beating when I lay my head down to it Knowing that it beats so fast and strong Just knowing it does because of me How I long to smell your breath The swirl of your breath as your lips touch mine Your breathing labored and sweet and the essence Of your longing filling my mine with wanting you How I long for your warm soft touch The touch I have longed for in my dreams Of fingertips slowly stroking my body Touches that I will be screaming for more of How I long for the taste of you Just once, just so I can survive This life, knowing what it was like Just once ....just once posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011 @ 4/30/2011 11:19:00 AM | back to the top.
![]() My mind's running amok My heart's in a frenzy I'm losing control I made a mistake I can't solve it A problem that's driving me insane Will you text me like you usually do? Will you meet me just like before? I'm so scared it'll all change I'm shivering with fear I'm going blank I'm thinking of nothing but you You say it's an infatuation You say it's a phase I say it's one crazy love I didn't mean to be so insane I don't want to be treated with disdain I just want you I know I've got nothing to offer I know I'll bring you just trouble But then I know I'll always love you Just to hold your hand or walk arm in arm Just to hold you tight and tuck you in to bed It's all just a wish of mine posted on Tuesday, April 26, 2011 @ 4/26/2011 12:49:00 AM | back to the top.
Sitting under the darkened skyI'm harboring thoughts so sly As you lay asleep on my lap My heartbeat sounds like a hundred claps As the sweet aroma from your perfume passes through Second by second my fondness for you grew Sleeping so innocent like a baby's smile I wish this would last more than just a while |
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