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read and fuck off from here....

posted on Sunday, March 22, 2009 @ 3/22/2009 12:06:00 AM | back to the top.
The whole day I've been on my toes
Wearing a jacket and stupid formal clothes
I kept counting the heads of those rich egos
Watching them strut around like pharaohs

Walked around in circles till I got dizzy
Escorting rich asses like some caddie
Just being around them made me measly
Thinking they have latte while I have gutter coffee

Listened to a talk boring as hell
Until that Indonesian dropped the bombshell
I laughed till my stomach became unwell
Oh dear..I have shit to dispel!

So many views they all had to impart
I swear a battle was about to start
They all should shut up and just depart
Otherwise smell my lovely fart

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