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posted on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 @ 10/01/2008 09:57:00 PM | back to the top.
OK...Seriously...For being recognized as a clean and green country, we have some of the dirtiest citizens the world doesn't know about. Today, taking the bus to my godma's house...everything was pretty normal until the get off. Gosh...this middle aged woman I swear had the worst dandruff problem in S'pore I think. It looked as though S'pore had just experienced winter and she dipped her head in a pile of snow...ok maybe not that bad...I am exaggerating but it was pretty sick. But you see...there's another part to this plot just like yesterday's old man. This time I was standing behind her about to get off and she did the LUX Super Rich advertisement in the bus. Imagine slow motion...she taking off her scrunchy and that long wavy dandruff filled hair just swing into your path and all the dandruff suddenly flies into your face and mouth...that was what happened to me. As much as I tried to dodge it...I realized my reflexes were too damn slow and if I did anything more drastic it would have looked like I was being shot down in the bus..so I didn't bother. So this is what I advise S'pore public transport services to do if there is such an organization, they should hire bloody hygiene officers at each bus stop and train station to look out for these dirty disgusting people and get them out of the way. OK...enough of this. Next...went to meet Fuji and Phelan for lunch at Waraku cause the both of them had $35 worth of vouchers..cheap bastards I know but it was all well worth it for the meal though I believe the bowl used for my food was a bit over the top..it looked like one of those basins that housewives like my mom use to hand wash clothes. It was around that size...just a BIT smaller. Then we went for pool after that at cineleisure. Here's the thing..we made a gamble...every time one of us loses...$1 is given to pay for the table. Normal right...ok...next...biggest loser has to drink carbonated milk bought from the Korean nick nacks store at B1. Ok...first set(though we didn't intend to play more that 1 set)..which Fuji lost all his games and should have already accepted the dare..but he asked for 1 more set to be played. Ok..second set..again Phelan won both of us and it went to a tie break between me and him. Then to decide the loser we played a game of 9 ball. I gave him like freaking 7 free balls to play..and obviously he won and there you have it..ME the loser. So we went down to buy the drink but ended up buying the wrong one and so they bought ANOTHER drink. Here am I with it...![]() So I drank it and felt like shit. Immediately I felt like puking it all out..even till now I can feel it bubbling in my poor little stomach. Never drink this...even if your life depends on it..Sang Hwang Gold was the name if I'm not wrong. Oh yeah..and one last thing...Moms are the best. They look after you all your life and have your best interests at heart always. My mom is SO good at her job...in order to help me kill my bad habits she bought a breathalyzer...breath spray...and a special toothpaste for smokers. No fucking idea still how she got the breathalyzer but it still came as a shock to me. So yea...MOMs are the BEST! I'll give no reaction Cause it's my selfish satisfaction While I increase daily uses I give all the excuses NO, I don't care what you say I WON'T find another way All I need's right here between my fingers Like it or not the smell always lingers Stare at me and frown at me Come shake your fingers down at me I won't give up the treasures that I hold I won't stop now to come in from the cold You might not understand it but I bet I'll find my greatest lover in this cigarette.. |
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