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posted on Tuesday, September 30, 2008 @ 9/30/2008 07:56:00 PM | back to the top.
I just had the sickest and most disgusting train ride of my life. This old man came to sit beside me after Jotham left at Bishan, and he started digging his nose from the time he sat down till I got off at Yishun. The worse part about it was the fact that he was laying his "GOLD" everywhere on the train seat and himself. Next thing, another guy sitting opposite me started digging for "GOLD" as well..fuck..I think he got enticed to do so after seeing how the old man was ENJOYABLY clearing his nose shit and cleaning it all over. The next thing about the old man, he sat in the weirdest position ever...his legs were stretched out...not in front of himself but to MY leg space and his upper body was slanted to the other guy sitting at the corner seat. After which...he got this phone call from someone...his ringtone was the joke of the century...and god knows what language he was speaking to the person in...all I could hear was him shouting..Old man:"ah ah ah...mo mo mo...eh eh eh...hah hah hah...mo ah...emm emm...ah ah ah" This went on for like 2mins...wondered how the other person on the line could understand him...and since only god knows what language he was speaking...I deduced that IT WAS GOD who called him. I couldn't contain myself hearing him speak and burst out laughing...then he sat up and gave me this hard stare...and then plomped back to his original sitting position. Anyway...I got off the train after that...still shaking my head at him and smiling my ass off. Liars..Fakers..Players, They are all out there to be surveyors. Beer..Vodka..Liquor. The tools used to get into girl's knickers. Cigarettes..Drugs..Weed, These get you high guaranteed. Religion..Love..Club, It's certain the first I would snub. |
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