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posted on Sunday, September 28, 2008 @ 9/28/2008 12:04:00 PM | back to the top.
Friday was smashing. That's all I can say and will say. Got to know NEW people. All for the glory and progress of FB huh Fuji? LOL...I can say we're still far but we definitely are on the right track. That night I made one big decision. To give up on her because there's no point in loving someone who will never love you back. I'm going back to my old self. I was also bit rusty dancing that Friday night but things will get better. Let's drink the drink of life and give toast to the 7 deadly sins of man. HAHAHAHA!A manifestation of vindictive anger, Possessed my entire body making me its slave. My eyes filled with fury and vengeance, Ready to start my tidal crime wave. Relaxation and procrastination, Describe my current philosophy. I am nothing more than a sloth, Showing others how deadly sins can be. Greed is another sin, Which seems to have no cure. Always wanting and needing, More and more and more. Lust is a contagious sin, That we all experience from time to time. In fact I'm experiencing it right now, Who wants to be my partner in crime? Yes..people want our life, I'm sure it's our destiny and fate. They should be envious of the privileged, Regardless of the fact that we're not that great. We're amazing, smart, irresistibly sexy, All together swirled. More famous than famous, We WILL be celebrities to the world. Everything in our path, Must never go to waste. Scarfing down anything and everything, Even after we lose all taste. Dedicated to FB |
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