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read and fuck off from here....

posted on Friday, March 27, 2009 @ 3/27/2009 12:35:00 AM | back to the top.
Look past me,
or through
Give me all the courtesy
of a pane of glass,
Perhaps then I'll see the silver

What would I even say
to your perfection?
Would I stumble?
Flail helplessly
and hope for pity?

Lose myself?
Like the keys in my front pocket
to the mess of my upturned drawers..
Instead..manufacture something grander
from pieces of my own forgotten grandness?
a failing David
chipped hastily from the Stonehenge?

Perhaps I missed the point
Perhaps I missed true perfection
Maybe it isn't hidden away
behind your eyes
at the check-stand across from me..
who are you, anyway?

If my dream of you is perfection
then perfection lives within that dream..
Within me..

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