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read and fuck off from here....

posted on Friday, September 14, 2007 @ 9/14/2007 09:35:00 PM | back to the top.
WOWAWEEWAH...well look who's back and here i thought i said i wasn't going to blog anymore well what the heck. Last term was pretty bad but this's all gonna get better cause i've realised something, life is not a bed of roses. Let's stop all the crappy emo shit that was going on and become...i have no idea. Ok...let's just live life to its things we've never done before and never regret it...hahahaha. OK...forget all this nagging, it's the holidays now for me and tomorrow i am off for a splendid trip with all my BOBs, eh well at least 4 of them..i hope. LOL, so the plan is this..we'll be bunking at jj's place for the first night and then setting sail for our fishing trip on sunday then monday will be slack day with all the BOBs and tuesday it's back home. What a plan...couldn't live life any better than that...hahaha. Wednesday till Friday I'll have my driving lessons.

So far it's been a 'fruitful' term break, watched a lot of DVDs, spent a hell lot of money on food and hibernating. Yes...just like a European Hedgehog or a Bear, i've been doing nothing much but sleeping and eating though exact hibernating is usually done in winter and the hibernating animal usually doesn't wake up for days or weeks on ends. Let's just leave it as that...

Alright, I just wanted to check back into blogger to revive my god forsaken pathetic blog which has been left in the cold. So until next stay classy blog readers...erm...ok that don't seem quite right...Ron Burgundy uses it better...hahaha..

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