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posted on Friday, May 26, 2006 @ 5/26/2006 12:06:00 AM | back to the top.
DANG...poly life has been so stressful thus far...almost every week there is an ICA coming up for every topic.I'm so tired...Class was supposed to start at 8am today but that was the time i just woke up from my sleep...i was so tired stayin up until 3 to study for the test which was in the end basic common sense questions about computers.Had i known i wouldnt have studied at all...then after school i went to play tennis...waiting for my gf to come play with me so in the meanwhile i practised my serving and damn it sucked.Out of like 10 balls, only like 3 would go in, how am i supposed to get into the school team like this?!?!?! Came ltr was my gf, played with her full court initially and i even think she's getting better at the game than me though her technique of hitting isn't really there but she gets them over the net which is really good for beginners.Then it started to pour real heavily and we ran to the shelter.There, were these bunch of basketball dudes from China and they kept on lookin at my gf...ok so i didnt like it so we waited for them to leave the shelter and only then did we go to our respective male and female changing rooms to shower. Then we went to grab some wedges from the malay stall which is the best i believe i've ever eaten in my whole life.Then i was supposed to go with my gf to the dentist but she asked me to go home first to rest as she had to go collect the x-ray from her home but i ended up falling asleep.I feel so bad not being by her side when she's in pain, not that i mean i enjoy it but i just wanted to be there for her. Ok, then Mich came over for dinner today and started taking photos of us for some "Most Eurasian Looking Family" contest, so everyone started posing and stuff for the camera till she went back. Oh yeah...here's another video that James OW recommended to me that is from youtube, check it out by seaching for the term "Hard Gay" and there's lots more but i think this is the funniest so far...ENJOY!!! |
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